For example this - warrior armor with guard stats
What is it's value
Are armors from raids glitch somewhat rare to see?
What happend to eir/eif/purple collects/old legs value?
Eif,eir,and purple collects are still pretty valuable but I think the value of old legs have gone down a bit. People mostly went leg from PI-OO.
@Peeeeses333 look at stats cuz it's impossible to get, it was glitched drop from raids
Ok I'm not an expert on glitched items but some people value it more so they may trade as round 5 leg or a purple collect for it
Glitched Items = RARE
IDK about this one, but the leg armors from boss raids are worth around 3 god pots, which in turn are worth 10-30 purple collects EACH.
3 things determine value
How big the mistake is (Decently Big)
How long the mistake was available (U tell me)
Demand (Never heard of this item so idk)
This was converted leg armors that have wrong stats(it was quite rare, I've only seen one on YT)
It was available for very short time(I suspect it is rarer than leg armor cuz I've seen quite a few on people)
Idk abt demand cuz noone recorded a trade for it
What do you think?