Warning: MASSIVE post ahead, expect a long read.
With that out of the way..
---General Info---
As the name implies, it is a skyscraper going all the way to the stratosphere. This dungeon has 8 rooms, 4 unique enemies, 1 main boss and 2 mini bosses.
Divided in three segments, the map, the enemies and the loot.
Music: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lbcmWIGz-Y
Room 1
Room 2
Room 3 (Miniboss: Defense Turret MKII)
Room 4
Room 5
Room 6 (Miniboss: The Juggernaut)
Room 7
Room 8 (Boss: The Supercomputer)
As said before we have 4 different enemies. Let's go through all of them.
Platbot Sniper:
Will follow a random player or the one who did the most damage to it. Its first attack is simply it shooting a singular beam. Every second attack however; The sniper will crouch down and target a randomly selected player. Said player will have a blue marksman icon on top of their head. Soon the icon will turn red, and after 1.5 seconds pass (1 second on nightmare), the sniper shoots the player. The attack cannot be dodged as it is hitscan. The red icon is the players time window to quickly press G and parry the shot. If done so successfully, the shot will reflect back at the sniper and chip half of its health away. If failed, the shot deletes half of your health regardless what your health number is.
Platbot Defender
Will follow a random player or the one who did the most damage to it. Upon engaging a player it will quickly throw it's shield in front of itself. The shield has 45% health of the Defender. When broken, the Defender takes double damage from all sources. Its attack consists of it shooting beams in random curves, in a burst of 4.
Will follow a random player or the one who did the most damage to it. It's first attack is to bash a player, similarly to the mobs from Desert-Steampunk. Its second attack is to throw its knife as a beam at a random player and bring it back, potentially causing damage twice.
Will follow a random player or the one who did the most damage to it. It's only attack is to shoot its cannons as two circles at a random player. The circles turn into 2 smaller ones after detonation.
Only made the T3 armour sets and the legendaries.
(only as I finished supercharged warrior I realized it looks like godly warrior lmao)
(Not proud of these two, I'm horrible at making LEGO weapons)
If you've read this far, congrats and thank you for your time.
So yeah, that's the stratoscraper. Took almost an entire week to finish, and I'm overall happy with how it came out. (BTW sorry about the almost 2 month wait, I kinda got burnt out of Stud.io and decided to take a break. Finished this just now)
Leave your thoughts down below.