What is the value of purple lvl 180 armour?
Like how many legs?
Ok ty
What is the value of purple lvl 180 armour?
Like how many legs?
How many grey/green eb pieces do i have to give for an average pot old leg?
No worries i got the eb already
Blue lava king guardian helmet with no upgrades
Looking for purple crystaline warrior or grey eldenbark warrioir or mage
I have it
I got leg myself though
But it was war
My friend gave me that set for free lol
W because your leg was low pot
I was expecting it to be good :(
Whhat does it look like?
You lose for trade one
I just forgot to put the q&a for my post
One old leg low pot for blue cry piece
TorraTheTortoise and I wanna win because I am looking for a triton mage armour but I keep getting war stuff from my daily
Two old legs for carry to level 166? i am level 163
Same im level 163