Or is the forum side of the wiki seeing a bit of a revival
Yeah i learnt it back in old winter outpost (back when AT was the hardest)
Im glad i did
Me? 212 i think. its been one or two months since i last logged on
But seriously look at the stats on guardian armor its not NEGATIVE now is it
Heres an example using akuma armor
War armor: 30+ million power for a purple god pot
Guardian armor: around 1 thousand power plus or minus
New winter outpost legs i think
No it dosent dumb dumb it just increases damage WAY less than actual war/mage armor
Its labeled as desert temple legacy it should be all the way at the end of the ui. (Im not sure if they removed it i think they might have)
Ur looking at the new desert temple not the old one
The new one doesnt have insane or nm
Well thats interesting
The icon is bugged
Go non hardcore if u only care about xp and to learn the layout of the dungeon
If u want the stuff u can rely on the daily reward (make sure to join the group to get 3 items instead of 2)
If ur getting carried DEFINITELY go hardcore since the carrier (by right) should be able to clear deathless
If ur consistently clearing non hardcore with 1 death at most try doing hardcore
Yeah since it forces u to dodge
Personally get enough stamina to have the recommended hp for that dungeon (it should be stated in the page) then dump the rest into physical
Also upgrade armor only in physical
Or is the forum side of the wiki seeing a bit of a revival
The official discord kinda sucks for trading outside yp so ur better off joining a guild server (like duck carries) or asking around in game
Pretty cool ngl
Yeah it was like august or smth
Blud first diana and programmer show up and now YOU SHOW UP?!
Whos gonna show up next lucid??
Yeah just about all of them are still here
If ur that much of an og no we still havent gotten the red rune for excalibur quest
Which ones
But they havent added details for new spells and every other weapon except the legs
Bossraids still exist