I've been trying to trade for one but I don't really know what to offer.
17 Votes in Poll
Yea, i had my pc on for like 12 ish hours and got around 35 drops. not even a leg from that
17 Votes in Poll
Unstable warp is really easy to get, as some people say
I dont really have any good av stuff, so I'm trying to see if any lower lv ppl have eif. Higher lv ppl usually want good stuff like purp collects for new dungeons, newer legs with good pot, and platinum. I think a lower lv person would be easier to trade with too, i don't think they'd be as picky
I've been trying to trade for one but I don't really know what to offer.
Im tryna get the cosmetics
@MrZorx75 how do you level up solo? I need to know
Ok send me a friend request
I have the armor but not the helm, I'll say if I got one. My acc is aspidercat.
Go to the button that says Show Players, then click on the person who you want to trade with. Then click the trade button.
There are wikis that are more dead than this, trust me, i've seen them.
21 Votes in Poll
I have it and my username is aspidercat