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The Apothecary Staff is a mage weapon in Dungeon Quest. It specializes in spell power, dealing a base average of 4,500 damage. The physical damage is about 450. The Apothecary Staff can be upgraded with gold to improve its physical and spell power. The uncommon rarity (green background) of the staff has around 460 upgrades. It can be sold for a minimum of 150,000 gold and requires players to be at least level 71 to equip it. This item can only be obtained from the King's Castle dungeon on Insane difficulty, and is the best magic weapon of said difficulty.


  • "Apothecary" is a mostly archaic term for a medical professional who formulates and dispenses medicine to physicians, surgeons and patients.
Spell weapons
Desert Temple
Desert Temple (Legacy)
Starter WandStarter Wand ā€¢ Novice WandNovice Wand ā€¢ Apprentice StaffApprentice Staff ā€¢ Magic MalletMagic Mallet ā€¢ Flame StaffFlame Staff ā€¢
Mage's SpellbookMage's Spellbook ā€¢ Onyx StaffOnyx Staff ā€¢ Holy StaffHoly Staff ā€¢ Desert FuryDesert Fury
Winter Outpost
Ice WandIce Wand ā€¢ Frozen SpelldaggersFrozen Spelldaggers ā€¢ Frosty StaffFrosty Staff ā€¢
Coldstone BladesColdstone Blades ā€¢ Coldstone GreatstaffColdstone Greatstaff ā€¢ Coldstone SpellscytheColdstone Spellscythe ā€¢
Frostshard TridentFrostshard Trident ā€¢ Frostshard LanceFrostshard Lance ā€¢ Frostshard GreatstaffFrostshard Greatstaff ā€¢
Winter Outpost (Legacy)
Holy GrailHoly Grail ā€¢ Sapphire Spell DaggerSapphire Spell Dagger ā€¢ Snowy GreatstaffSnowy Greatstaff ā€¢ Magma Infused StaffMagma Infused Staff ā€¢
Bluefire StaffBluefire Staff ā€¢ Crimson SpellbladeCrimson Spellblade ā€¢ Onyx Spell ScytheOnyx Spell Scythe ā€¢
Water Elemental SpellbladeWater Elemental Spellblade ā€¢ Arcane GreatstaffArcane Greatstaff ā€¢ King's SpellbladeKing's Spellblade ā€¢
Snow Elemental StaffSnow Elemental Staff ā€¢ Ice Queen's WandIce Queen's Wand ā€¢ Demonic SpellbladeDemonic Spellblade ā€¢ Ice ReaverIce Reaver ā€¢
Elder Void WandElder Void Wand ā€¢ Azerite GreatstaffAzerite Greatstaff ā€¢ Crystalized GreatswordCrystalized Greatsword
Pirate Island
Ruby StaffRuby Staff ā€¢ Holy WandHoly Wand ā€¢ Arcane Orb StaffArcane Orb Staff ā€¢ Greater Dark ScytheGreater Dark Scythe ā€¢
Earth WandEarth Wand ā€¢ Solar StaffSolar Staff ā€¢ Angelic StaffAngelic Staff ā€¢ Dark Priest StaffDark Priest Staff ā€¢
Greater Prophet StaffGreater Prophet Staff ā€¢ Staff of the GodsStaff of the Gods
King's Castle
Tribal StaffTribal Staff ā€¢ Eagle StaffEagle Staff ā€¢ Infernal Sun StaffInfernal Sun Staff ā€¢ Elven StaffElven Staff ā€¢ Apothecary StaffApothecary Staff ā€¢
Moonlight StaffMoonlight Staff ā€¢ Sunlight StaffSunlight Staff ā€¢ Celestial Fire StaffCelestial Fire Staff ā€¢ Arclight BattlestaffArclight Battlestaff ā€¢
Fire and Ice StaffFire and Ice Staff ā€¢ Beastmaster Spell Scythe Beastmaster Spell Scythe
The Underworld
Sapphire GreatstaffSapphire Greatstaff ā€¢ Luminous GreatstaffLuminous Greatstaff ā€¢ Hope's TriumphHope's Triumph ā€¢
Dragon's Claw ScytheDragon's Claw Scythe ā€¢ Timelost SpellbookTimelost Spellbook ā€¢ Dual Arcane SpelldaggersDual Arcane Spelldaggers ā€¢
Vampiric GreatstaffVampiric Greatstaff ā€¢ Ancient Elder StaffAncient Elder Staff ā€¢ Demon Lord's GreatstaffDemon Lord's Greatstaff ā€¢
Phoenix Greatstaff Phoenix Greatstaff
Samurai Palace
Staff of HeatStaff of Heat ā€¢ Industrial SpellscytheIndustrial Spellscythe ā€¢ Sapphire SpellspearSapphire Spellspear ā€¢ Amethyst SpelldaggerAmethyst Spelldagger ā€¢
Violet SpellbladeViolet Spellblade ā€¢ Amethyst Crescent SpellbladeAmethyst Crescent Spellblade ā€¢ Jade SpelldaggerJade Spelldagger ā€¢
Pink Pearl SpellscythePink Pearl Spellscythe ā€¢ Dual Elegant Mage FansDual Elegant Mage Fans ā€¢ Sakura Greatstaff Sakura Greatstaff
The Canals
Sapphire Stone WandSapphire Stone Wand ā€¢ Runic PikeRunic Pike ā€¢ Elementalist StaffElementalist Staff ā€¢ Toxic SpellscytheToxic Spellscythe ā€¢
Amethyst SpellscytheAmethyst Spellscythe ā€¢ Dual Arcane SlicersDual Arcane Slicers ā€¢ Runic SpellscytheRunic Spellscythe ā€¢
Mana Infused SpellbladeMana Infused Spellblade ā€¢ Overlord's Manablade Overlord's Manablade
Ghastly Harbor
Poison SpearPoison Spear ā€¢ Dual Toxic DaggersDual Toxic Daggers ā€¢ Dual Bladed Mage DaggersDual Bladed Mage Daggers ā€¢ Dual Ocean FistsDual Ocean Fists ā€¢
Magic TridentMagic Trident ā€¢ Dual Phantom DefendersDual Phantom Defenders ā€¢ Ocean Dweller's MagebladeOcean Dweller's Mageblade ā€¢
Seafarer's Magic DeviceSeafarer's Magic Device ā€¢ Sea Serpent's Wings Sea Serpent's Wings
Steampunk Sewers
Plasma SpellbladePlasma Spellblade ā€¢ Dual Hextech SpelldaggersDual Hextech Spelldaggers ā€¢ Dual Bioforged SpelldaggersDual Bioforged Spelldaggers ā€¢
Hextech PolearmHextech Polearm ā€¢ Plasma Twin SpellbladePlasma Twin Spellblade ā€¢ Hextech Wired SpellbladeHextech Wired Spellblade ā€¢
Plasma Infused CutlassPlasma Infused Cutlass ā€¢ Mighty Fusion SpellbladeMighty Fusion Spellblade ā€¢ Inventor's Spellblade Inventor's Spellblade
Boss Raids
Bioforged Cog Spellblade Bioforged Cog Spellblade ā€¢ Fusion Magic Keyblade Fusion Magic Keyblade ā€¢ Hextech Overloaded Staff Hextech Overloaded Staff
Dual Nature Vines Dual Nature Vines ā€¢ Nature Spellblade Nature Spellblade ā€¢ Godforged Greatstaff Godforged Greatstaff
Blessed Lightpost Blessed Lightpost ā€¢ Earth Staff Earth Staff ā€¢ Twisted Wood Greatstaff Twisted Wood Greatstaff
Orbital Outpost
Electron Spell DaggerElectron Spell Dagger ā€¢ Void Spell DaggerVoid Spell Dagger ā€¢ Void Spell BladeVoid Spell Blade ā€¢
Moon Crystal Spell BladeMoon Crystal Spell Blade ā€¢ Energized Spell DaggerEnergized Spell Dagger ā€¢ Solar Essence StaffSolar Essence Staff ā€¢
Galactic Pike Galactic Pike
Volcanic Chambers
Lava Shard StaffLava Shard Staff ā€¢ Lava Tendril PikeLava Tendril Pike ā€¢ Lava SpellbladeLava Spellblade ā€¢ Dual Magma ShieldsDual Magma Shields ā€¢
Ancient Lava AxeAncient Lava Axe ā€¢ Dual Hellfire BladesDual Hellfire Blades ā€¢ Lava King's Spell Daggers Lava King's Spell Daggers
Aquatic Temple
Sea StaffSea Staff ā€¢ Enchanted Sea AxesEnchanted Sea Axes ā€¢ Aquatic DefenderAquatic Defender ā€¢ Enchanted Sea DaggersEnchanted Sea Daggers ā€¢
Ocean Pearl StaffOcean Pearl Staff ā€¢ Enchanted Serpent DaggersEnchanted Serpent Daggers ā€¢ Sea King's Greatstaff Sea King's Greatstaff
Enchanted Forest
Fungal PikeFungal Pike ā€¢ Fungal StaffFungal Staff ā€¢ Enchanted Shard SpelldaggerEnchanted Shard Spelldagger ā€¢ Enchanted Shard StaffEnchanted Shard Staff ā€¢
Forest Vine SpellbladeForest Vine Spellblade ā€¢ Crystalline Shard StaffCrystalline Shard Staff ā€¢ Eldenbark Greatstaff Eldenbark Greatstaff
Northern Lands
Northern SpellstaffNorthern Spellstaff ā€¢ Viking ShieldViking Shield ā€¢ Ice SpellbladeIce Spellblade ā€¢ Viking SceptreViking Sceptre ā€¢
Runic MaceRunic Mace ā€¢ Staff of the NorthStaff of the North ā€¢ Gungnir Gungnir ā€¢ Laevateinn Laevateinn
Gilded Skies
Dracani SpellclawsDracani Spellclaws ā€¢ Oathsworn SpellbladeOathsworn Spellblade ā€¢ Dracani Gilded LanceDracani Gilded Lance ā€¢
Dracani Gilded StaffDracani Gilded Staff ā€¢ Oathsworn SpellscytheOathsworn Spellscythe ā€¢ Oathsworn Staff And TomeOathsworn Staff And Tome ā€¢
Daybreak And Gildensong Daybreak And Gildensong
Yokai Peak
Oni's Bell StaffOni's Bell Staff ā€¢ Oni's NaginataOni's Naginata ā€¢ Seishin ClubSeishin Club ā€¢
Seishin StaffSeishin Staff ā€¢ Jigoku Twin WarfansJigoku Twin Warfans ā€¢ Jigoku ShuribladeJigoku Shuriblade ā€¢
Akuma's Soulreaver Akuma's Soulreaver
Abyssal Void
Fallen's BattlestaffFallen's Battlestaff ā€¢ Fallen's SpellbladesFallen's Spellblades ā€¢ Eldritch MaceEldritch Mace ā€¢ Eldritch TridentEldritch Trident ā€¢
Abyssal SkewersAbyssal Skewers ā€¢ Abyssal SpellscytheAbyssal Spellscythe ā€¢ Voidborn's Embrace Voidborn's Embrace ā€¢ Voidfallen's Effigy & Edict Voidfallen's Effigy & Edict
Crafted Weapons
Oracle's Gaze Oracle's Gaze ā€¢ Oracle's Wisdom Oracle's Wisdom ā€¢ Oracle's Revelation Oracle's Revelation ā€¢ Oracle's Ascendance Oracle's Ascendance