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I know this is a bit odd, but here we go. Here's the numbers of every cosmetic starting from Enchants.

Number of total enchants[]

The ways of getting Cosmetic Enchants are really limited, and they cannot be purchased for free. They are available only in the Cosmetic Shop and Game Passes.

Rarity Ways of getting the cosmetic Total
Cosmetic Shop Game Pass
Uncommon 8 1 9
Rare 52 2 54
Epic 28 1 29
Legendary 0 1 1
Sum 93

Number of total cosmetic weapons[]

Similar to enchants and armors, Cosmetic Weapons can be obtained from the Cosmetic Shop. But unlike enchants, they can be obtained from events. In "events" tab, every event cosmetic weapon is combined which includes Egg Island, Pumpkin King, Krampus and Cyber Bunny Helmet exclusive cosmetics. Excalibur is in the "other" tab, and 100k Berry Staff is counted in the "cosmetic shop" tab.

Rarity Ways of getting the cosmetic Total
Cosmetic Shop Events Other
Uncommon 22 4 0 26
Rare 34 6 0 40
Epic 25 14 0 39
Legendary 9 7 1 17
Sum 122

Number of total cosmetic armors[]

Similar to enchants and weapons, Cosmetic Armors can be obtained from the Cosmetic Shop. But unlike enchants, they can be obtained from events. In "events" tab, every event cosmetic armor is combined which includes Halloween 2019 drops, Egg Island, Pumpkin King, Krampus and Cyber Bunny Helmet exclusive cosmetics. Armor cosmetics can also be obtained from dungeons at a rare chance.

Rarity Ways of getting the cosmetic Total
Cosmetic Shop Dungeon Drops Events
Uncommon 10 0 3 13
Rare 35 9 19 63
Epic 28 5 18 51
Legendary 15 1 12 28
Sum 155

Number of total cosmetic titles[]

Cosmetic Titles cannot be obtained from the Cosmetic Shop. But they can be obtained from events. In "events" tab, every event cosmetic title is combined which includes Pumpkin King, Krampus and Cyber Easter Cave titles. Title cosmetics can also be obtained from dungeons at a rare chance. In Wave Defence, title cosmetics are awarded at completing certain waves. Leveling and other objective titles are in the "other" tab.

Rarity Ways of getting the cosmetic Total
Dungeon Drops Wave Defence Events Other
Common 0 7 0 2 9
Uncommon 0 7 0 2 9
Rare 0 7 4 3 14
Epic 14 7 6 1 28
Legendary 1 0 9 1 11
Sum 71


Currently, there are 93 cosmetic enchants, 122 cosmetic weapons, 155 cosmetic armors and 71 cosmetic titles. That means, there are 441 cosmetics in the entire game.