DungeonQuestRoblox Wiki
DungeonQuestRoblox Wiki

Once upon a time there was a warrior who was searching for the aquatic temple, he searched for a whole year before he gave up. When he was packing up and returning to his hometown, he saw some blue light emanating from a cave he had never seen before. So he went to the cave and looked inside, when he stepped inside he fell though a hole and lost consciousness. A few minutes later he woke up finding himself underwater, he started to gasp for air but realized he good breathe. So he stood up and looked around, he was at the entrance of the aquatic temple. He excitedly stood up and went to the entrance, their it said, Those who seek to enter the temple be warned, for there are many great dangers in here, but those who are truly strong enough to overcome the challenges inside this temple will receive a great prize. Our hero was about to enter the temple when he realized he left all his armors and weapons behind when he went to the cave, he sighed and guessed he should go back. He was getting ready to climb he saw a armor set and a sword sitting in a corner. He picked up the helmet and inspected it, he had never seen anything like this armor. So he put on the armor set and picked up the the sword and got ready to go into the dungeon. When he passed through the entrance he saw enemies rising up from the ground, theses enemies would eventually be called, Temple Spirit, Defensive Cube Pylon, Temple guard, and Defensive Pyramid Pylon. He fought through them and reached the first boss, it was a giant construct that shot laser everywhere, This boss would eventually be called Temple Core Generator. Our hero dodged all the lasers and defeated the first boss. He then proceeded to fight through all the many different enemies before he encountered the second boss. This boss was like a massive Temple guard, it slammed the ground and caused shock-waves of energy to head towards him. He dodged and proceeded to fight the boss, he eventually defeated him and proceeded to fight through the enemy forces. He then reached the arena where the Sea King was waiting for him. The Sea King stood up and said "I'm impressed that you were able to get through all my soldiers, but your journey ends here." Our hero prepared for the final battle, the Sea King plunged his trident into the ground and started to cause waves of energy to appear, our hero was busy dodging when the Sea King sent out a orb. Our hero barely dodged it when the Sea king brought then a beam of energy. Our here jumped to the side and charged in. After a long grueling battle the Sea King was defeated. The the demigod Triton appeared before him, " Congratulations warrior, you have defeated my best warrior, now I will gift you something." Triton then proceeded to pick up the Sea King's Trident and give it to our hero." You have earned this weapon, and you have earned the armor set that the god Hephaestus forged from my scales. This armor set can withstand the harshest of attack and will protect you well." The demigod then teleported him back to the surface and the cave disappeared. Our hero then happily went back to his home village with his new weapons and armor pieces which he called the Triton armor set.