So you play dungeon quest. It's a nice little game where you fight through many dungeons and slay mobs and bosses with your friends or even by yourself, or you just uh *cough* *cough* get carried by some pros. But when you reach the highest dungeon, you've entered a whole new world. Instead of the main objective being to level up and explore new dungeons (yes that's still the goal but only when papa caffy updates the game), you have to strive to get the best set. To do that, you must get lucky. But after doing 69420 runs and getting trash, you're probably gonna get bored. I feel you, at the time I write this blog I haven't dropped a single purple valhalla piece but still have a purple set. So how did I do it?
The more you play, the more you get[]
As you know, waiting for dailies is something that you can do, but if you want to really strive to get those good drops, then you gotta get on and do some runs. Now of course, life is a series of random events, and if you went 500 runs without dropping a leg, you're not gonna get one on your 551st run. However, the more you play, the more likely you will get some drops. Assuming that you are a f2p player and do hc runs, you'll get 2 items per drop. That's 2 chances of a legendary or purple t3 or eir/eif depending on the dungeon you are doing.
Alts are a good way to get items in dungeon quest, with some people having like 20 alts who get their dailies with all 20 of them. Now of course, you do have to level it up and stuff but you can just carry it with your main or even do a N2G to make it fun. It really pays off, also you might get some good drops in the older with your alt(s) or your main. Sadly, I myself don't have an alt since I have a potato pc and won't be able to withstand 2 accounts at one time, but I have seen how alts can be very beneficial.
Buy the extra item gamepass[]
Now don't get me wrong, you can still get a good set without the gamepass, but it increases your chances of getting legendaries and purple t3s with that extra slot. In EF, I had a blue set until I dropped a near God Pot EB Greatstaff in the extra slot. Now, it isn't a increased luck gamepass, but who knows? Maybe that slot will come in clutch for you, it certainly did for me.
So you did what I said here. But you still don't get good drops? Ack thats tough. You can still get a good set though, like I said, I haven't dropped a single purple vh yet but still have a purple set. Here's how you can get a better set
Trading, trading, trading.[]
Trading is probably one of the main mechanics in the game that doesn't have to actually do with grinding. You can trade for the items you need, or profit from them. For example, you need a purple vh but only dropped blues or legs *cough* *cough* (me). What you could do, is trade all those blue vhs and legs for a purple, depending if they are a good enough offer. Blues can upgrade to purples, and legs can be traded for purples. However, with trading you do have to get something good at least so you can make profit from it. I'm not exactly the best trader, but I have common sense and can usually tell when something is a win or a loss. Now you can join the trading hub, a discord server made from dq leaks creators themselves with verified trade helpers who can help give you insights on trades.
Lobby 2 (Lowballing)[]
If you didn't drop anything good enough to trade, well I'm sorry. But what you can try to do it lowball someone, usually in lobby 2. As you know, in the dungeon quest discord server, there is a trading channel for trades. However, most of those traders are very good at trading and will know if they are taking an L or not. Now of course, that's not always the case. I traded my 3.49/70 eb mage helmet purple for a 3.4/62 mage helmet and eif, a really big win for me from the official server. Now of course, those are like rare opportunities that you will rarely find in the official dq discord server. However, public lobbies (69% of the time lobby 2) can help you spot some good lowballs. Now you will still need something good to trade, or... maybe you don't? If there are leg collectors in trading, you can find some low levels and trade your trash for their legendaries, then trade those legendaries for the latest dungeon items. I did trade my old legendaries + my main set for some main set upgrades, it does work. Now, I haven't had one of those big lowballs yet, ones you find in lobby 2, but maybe you don't have to be me :)
Generous Friends[]
Now before you tell me HEY YOU JUST WANT ME TO USE MY FRIENDS no I'm not telling you to do that, however make some friends that you actually care about, and they may hook you up with items. Now of course, don't be friends with them just for items that's not a good thing, but a really good friend of mine knew that I was struggling a bit in Northern Lights and gave me an eir for free to help with trading (I helped him out quite a bit in ef (funny thing is I dropped a mjolnir right after)). Just trust me on this one.
Beat the new dungeon ASAP[]
This is a skill based tip, beat the new dungeon ASAP. The dungeon loot from the new dungeon is gonna be worth a lot for the first few days. Although the dungeon items from the previous dungeon will be just a mere collectible after the update, people will be willing to trade their leg spells which will hold value forever until a dungeon where they're not needed. If you're a really good dodger and can pick up new mechanics really easily, then you can trade your insane items for leg spells, then use those leg spells when they rise in leg/purple t3 value.
Join guilds and the official dq discord server[]
Now, the main reason why I put this here is that they will host giveaways, which you can join and try to win, but not just for that. You can make great friends and have a lot of fun, and grinding for those luxurious purples and legendaries won't be such a pain in the hiney. Also, raids are hosted in the guilds so you can do your runs much faster, and get more drops, relating to the first tip I put in this blog.
Have a good mindset[]
This is honestly the most important tip here. Here is a quick story I would like to tell you all. One time, I went on a complete huge rant in a group chat about not dropping good items, and one of my friends wanted me to calm down, and just be chill. Of course, I got mad and started telling him that he only said that since he dropped purple vh on his 10th run, but he told me that the strategy he uses is that he should stay chill, don't rage at all, be happy for what you have, and do not expect good loot at all since it comes when you least expect it. Now I tried it sarcastically, but it was really funny when I did it and it made me feel a bit better. I did that for one run and I was cracking up the whole time. But the thing is, the next run I dropped my first legendary in Northern Lands. Now, I have no proof of this working, but it worked for me so idk. But the point is, have a good mindset. Dungeon Quest is a game of patience and grinding, and not a game where you get what you want immediately. If you don't like that, dungeon quest might not be the game for you. Still though, this is a great game that everyone should have a chance to try out
That's all I got for today, hopefully you like my blog and that I wasn't too cringy. Signing off!